Caldwell 14 or the Double Cluster of Perseus was one of the first object that I captured when first starting out in this hobby. Back then I was using a DSLR and I was not using any filters. Since then I have wanted to revisit the object, or any other star cluster for that matter, but I wanted to do something more than just capture the stars. I saw a few others that had been able to capture Ha data surrounding the two star clusters and I thought I’d give that a try as well. Since the processing was a bit different than normal, I also did a PixInsight tutorial that will explain the processing steps in detail.
Data for this image: 20x60s L, 20x60s R, 20x60s G, 20x60s B, 85x300s Ha
Total number of exposures 165 with a total integration time of 8,3 hours
Processing: PixInsight HaLRGB with LRGB stars