IC 410 or Tadpole Nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation Auriga.
Data for this image was gathered on 10 different nights between 2024-10-27 and 2024-12-30.
Data for this image: 103x300s S-II, 117x300s Ha, 103x300s O-III.
Total number of exposures 323 with a total integration time of 27 hours.
Processing: PixInsight with SHO palette with synthetic RGB stars.
IC 410 or Tadpole Nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation Auriga. IC 410 was named the Tadpole Nebula because it hosts tadpole-shaped dark dust clouds that appear as if they were swimming toward the center of the Nebula. The tadpoles are in fact gas globules, small dense knots of dust and gas stretching about 10 light-years across.